
Fertility in Spain, the best choice

Thousands of children conceived under the Mediterranean sun.

The “Instituto Murciano de Fertilidad” (IMFER) was created in Murcia, South of Spain, in 1998. We offer different treatments that are customized to your case: we perform all the assisted reproduction techniques authorized by the Spanish law. IMFER has gradually grown to offer you the best service: we are now a medium size clinic with a staff of 20 people, but we have not lost the spirit that we have always instilled in our relationship with the patient: we take care of you in a personalized and friendly way.

“We think that patients who undergo a fertility treatment do not only need the most advanced technology, but also consistent support along the whole process”, says Umberta Pennaroli, head of international coordination department at IMFER clinic.

Every year IMFER assists many overseas patients who want to undergo a fertility treatment. In order to provide a better service, IMFER offers a department devoted exclusively to them.

The two international coordinators will be in charge of following your case, replying to your questions and solving your doubts at any time. Through permanent contact by phone or email, they will act as liaison between you and the medical team, supporting you in each phase of the treatment.

“Many of our overseas patients come to our clinic for treatments that have long waiting list in their country, such as egg donation”, says Sarah Noëson, international coordinator.

Egg donation in Spain

In Spain egg donation is a legal, totally anonymous and confidential procedure. In order to maximize your chances, at IMFER all the eggs produced by a donor in one cycle are assigned exclusively to a recipient. With the aim to facilitate the development of the treatment and the arrangements for your stay here, we will do our best to adjust to your time availability. Normally you can undergo embryo transfer about 2-3 months after the first consultation. In some cases there is also the possibility of a first consultation by video-conference or by phone.

Improving rates with latest technologies

At IMFER we think patients must be considered as a whole, which is why we do not only apply the most advanced technology – such as IMSI (Intracytoplasmic Morphologically-Selected Sperm Injection), SET (Single Embryo Transfer) and vitrification of both oocytes and embryos, among others – but also recur to traditional techniques such as acupuncture.

IMFER is one of the few clinics in Spain to propose IMSI, a technique especially useful in infertility cases caused by male factor. This high-resolution imaging system allows selecting unaltered sperms, thus, offers better results in pregnancy rates and, at the same time, reduces the risk of miscarriages.

Also, IMFER uses egg and embryo freezing by means of vitrification. This process avoids the formation of ice crystals that may tear the cell and lead to its death during the freezing/thawing process.

The clinic has just relocated to state-of-the-art facilities, in order to improve the quality of the services without losing the personal and warm contact we have with our patients.

For more info, visit www.IMFER.com or call us on +34 968/28 28 66 and ask for Umberta. IMFER, Av. de los Pinos no5, 30009 Murcia, Spain.

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